The booking system for the entire travel industry
Since the start in 2002, we have specialized in facilities within the travel and tourism industry. Over time, activity companies and long-term rentals have also been added, and today we have over 70 customers in various business areas.
With the aim of meeting future demands on distribution, sales and communication, Comer's booking system is developed in step with the constantly changing market. We want you as customers to feel secure with a flexible booking system as a tool for increased turnover. Automated services are therefore continuously developed with the aim of your guests being able to become more independent so that you can focus on your core business instead. Read more about our investment in Comers online booking here!
With Comer's booking system, you get a powerful and flexible tool that can handle both simple bookings and dynamic packages combined with external systems.
Contact us at and we will tell you more!

Some of our customers today